While Sidhelien do not need to sleep or trance they do require rest for the full eight hours a human does (not four hours like ordinary elves), on the other hand how often does this come up in games? This is a bit difficult to evaluate for me because the ability to NOT SLEEP / TRANCE at all could be problematic for some.
Not requiring sleep: In all honesty I do not know exactly how to weigh this.this is not a big penalty at all (or an advantage for that matter).

May become a non-spellcasting variant of a ranger. Soulless (2): Cannot be a member of classes which channel Divine power such as clerics, druids or paladins. Optional Rule:- If a DM wishes to allow Raise Dead or Ressurection then the Sidhe must pay an additional XP cost of 1/10 of the Sidhe's current XP (after being raised) or the party (not counting the Dead Sidhelien) may pay the XP cost, dividing it evenly amongst themselves. Soulless (1): Cannot be raised by Raise Dead or Resurrection, only by a Wish or Miracle same as Outsiders. Would reducing both the penalties and bonus to -2,-2 & +2 be appropriate? or can it be reflected some other way? In other settings I want this to reflect the Sidhelien being somewhat alien. In Birthright this flaw is to reflect the fact that Sidhelien have waged war against practically everyone. Infamous Reputation (Alien Mein)**: Sidhelien receive a -4 racial penalty to Diplomacy and Gather Information and a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate. A Sidhe who becomes lawful stops earning XP until they revert to a non-lawful alignment.
*Note: In our table we allow free multi-classing and I would generally encourage other tables the same.Īlignment Restriction: Must follow a non-lawful alignment. Bonus Languages : Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orog (Orc), Sylvan.įavored Class: Choose any one arcane spellcasting class (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard). Nature Stride: May move in natural terrain without leaving any tracks as per the Pass Without Trace Spell and with their normal movement rate and without suffering any damage or penalty.Īutomatic Language: Sidhelien. (This is to prevent any deliberate min-maxing by players) Note: Player characters do not suffer penalties or receive bonuses from aging. Timeless: Immortal (in regards to aging). Instead they need to only rest (light activities such as keeping watch) for the same amount of time as a human sleeps (eight hours). Sleep: Elves do not require sleep (but can do an elven version if they desire it). Weapons: Proficient with longsword, shortbow, longbow, composite longbow, and composite shortbow. Do NOT gain the automatic search check within 5’ that standard Player’s Handbook elves receive.

Senses (2): +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Immunity (2): To normal disease and +2 racial saving throw bonus against magical disease spells & effects. Immunity (1): To magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells & effects. Sidhelien (Elf)Ībility: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. This is the second iteration of this race, due to excellent feedback by "Hey I Can Chan".Ĭould everyone please evaluate the below race in terms of balance issues? I am trying to keep it at ECL 0 but some of the qualities while minor are a bit difficult to evaluate when combined. The first iteration of this race can be found here.