Birthright campaign setting map
Birthright campaign setting map

birthright campaign setting map

While Sidhelien do not need to sleep or trance they do require rest for the full eight hours a human does (not four hours like ordinary elves), on the other hand how often does this come up in games? This is a bit difficult to evaluate for me because the ability to NOT SLEEP / TRANCE at all could be problematic for some.


Not requiring sleep: In all honesty I do not know exactly how to weigh this.this is not a big penalty at all (or an advantage for that matter).

birthright campaign setting map

  • They do not gain the automatic search check that normal elves receive.
  • The resistance to magical disease might be but I don't know how much to weigh the +2 bonus. My personal experience in games is that normal disease was never a problem for characters so I don't think the immunity is an big advantage.
  • They are immune to normal disease and slightly resistant to magical disease.
  • They have an unbalanced ability bonus (3x +2 attributes and 2x -2 attributes) but according to the DMG on page 173, a Strength penalty is worth a bonus to Intelligence AND Charisma while Dexterity and Constitution are given equal weight.
  • Race Details & Changes From Normal Elves: (Let me put it this way: In Birthright Halflings could basically Detect Evil/Undead/Magic at will and use Dimension Door or Shadow Walk three times a week.) I've used them in 3.5 Birthright games but want to use them in other settings (being a planar traveller or something) so was concerned about balance issues. Immortal, Not needing to sleep, moving without trace etc. I've always preferred this version of elves over others as they seem more "Tolkien-esque" then the ones in the PHB. The experienced ones among you might recognise this race as a conversion of the elves in the 2E Campaign Setting "Birthright".

    birthright campaign setting map

    May become a non-spellcasting variant of a ranger. Soulless (2): Cannot be a member of classes which channel Divine power such as clerics, druids or paladins. Optional Rule:- If a DM wishes to allow Raise Dead or Ressurection then the Sidhe must pay an additional XP cost of 1/10 of the Sidhe's current XP (after being raised) or the party (not counting the Dead Sidhelien) may pay the XP cost, dividing it evenly amongst themselves. Soulless (1): Cannot be raised by Raise Dead or Resurrection, only by a Wish or Miracle same as Outsiders. Would reducing both the penalties and bonus to -2,-2 & +2 be appropriate? or can it be reflected some other way? In other settings I want this to reflect the Sidhelien being somewhat alien. In Birthright this flaw is to reflect the fact that Sidhelien have waged war against practically everyone. Infamous Reputation (Alien Mein)**: Sidhelien receive a -4 racial penalty to Diplomacy and Gather Information and a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate. A Sidhe who becomes lawful stops earning XP until they revert to a non-lawful alignment.


    *Note: In our table we allow free multi-classing and I would generally encourage other tables the same.Īlignment Restriction: Must follow a non-lawful alignment. Bonus Languages : Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orog (Orc), Sylvan.įavored Class: Choose any one arcane spellcasting class (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard). Nature Stride: May move in natural terrain without leaving any tracks as per the Pass Without Trace Spell and with their normal movement rate and without suffering any damage or penalty.Īutomatic Language: Sidhelien. (This is to prevent any deliberate min-maxing by players) Note: Player characters do not suffer penalties or receive bonuses from aging. Timeless: Immortal (in regards to aging). Instead they need to only rest (light activities such as keeping watch) for the same amount of time as a human sleeps (eight hours). Sleep: Elves do not require sleep (but can do an elven version if they desire it). Weapons: Proficient with longsword, shortbow, longbow, composite longbow, and composite shortbow. Do NOT gain the automatic search check within 5’ that standard Player’s Handbook elves receive.

    birthright campaign setting map

    Senses (2): +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Immunity (2): To normal disease and +2 racial saving throw bonus against magical disease spells & effects. Immunity (1): To magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Enchantment spells & effects. Sidhelien (Elf)Ībility: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. This is the second iteration of this race, due to excellent feedback by "Hey I Can Chan".Ĭould everyone please evaluate the below race in terms of balance issues? I am trying to keep it at ECL 0 but some of the qualities while minor are a bit difficult to evaluate when combined. The first iteration of this race can be found here.

    Birthright campaign setting map